Avalanche of Love Bouquet
Our Avalanche of Love Bouquet is the ultimate floral gift.
Simply choose from 10 (original) 20 (superior) or 30 (deluxe) long stemmed stunning Pink Roses arranged in a modern vase, wrapped and delivered in a Gift Bag.
If you would like to include a Personalised Gift Message with your Bouquet, please select it above.
If you would like to pre order Flowers for delivery on an upcoming set date please select pre order and message at the end of your gift message indicating the date you would like the delivery.
For Click & Collect Orders, we will send a message when your order is ready to collect. Usually ready within the hour but may take longer during busy periods.
*size shown is Superior bouquet
We offer local delivery for our flowers only in the following postcodes:
SS0, SS1, SS2, SS3, SS4, SS5, SS6, SS7, SS9.
Flower care
Flower care
Clean your vase to prevent bacteria.
Fill 2/3 of vase with water.
Remove any leaves under water to prevent bacteria.
Cut 2-3cm off each stem every few days.
Change water when it becomes discoloured and top it up when needed.
Keep flowers away from draughts, direct sunlight and ripening fruit.
Remove wilting flowers to prevent from mould (Botrytis).
We offer same day & next day delivery for our flower bouquets.
Same day delivery £9.99 - 3pm order cut off time for same day delivery by 6pm.
Next day delivery £6.99
Click & Collect
Click & Collect
We offer click & collect from our Leigh on Sea store. To collect your purchase from us, select click & collect at the checkout.
Did you know we have a subscription service?
We think that flowers shouldn’t just be for special occasions. Whether for yourself to turn flower arranging into self care or as a unique gift to someone, our flower subscriptions are packed full of beautiful stems for you to arrange in your home. Each bunch we send is designed by our florist and inspired by the seasons.